Kara’s Journey


Outing myself as a spiritual seeker who consults animal guides and oracle decks brings surprise (then curiosity!) from those who only know me in a professional or parenthood capacity. Frankly, I never set out to do everything I’m doing today! It’s been a steady connecting of dots, usually without me knowing when or where the next one will appear. I’m always amazed to look back and see the picture forming behind me.

While I love being a stay-at-home mom to my young daughters and enjoy my work as a part-time attorney, I was inspired in 2017 to explore creative outlets. I founded Joyful Resonance, LLC as a platform for tools designed to amplify inner wisdom—mine and yours.

I’m passionate about empowering YOU to draw from your own soul guidance and the help available from the spiritual realm. I have the utmost respect for your individual journey and always encourage you to discern what resonates with your personal belief system. We are hard-wired to our innate knowledge and most expansive consciousness. Access to answers begins inside! Everything else is just a tool to help us trust what we hear.

Learning to receive and understand messages from animal guides, whether in this world or the beyond, was hugely influential in my awakening. With help from my spiritual support team, I’ve written a handful of unique guided meditations designed to help others perceive their own friends in the animal kingdom. I absolutely love exploring this topic in my workshops. Head back to my home page if you’d like to try the first one from the comfort of your own home (free!). I will also post updates there as new events are scheduled. If you’re interested in a virtual option, please contact me so I know there’s interest.

Kara’s voice is so relaxing to listen to and it’s easy to visualize what she is saying. So often we think we’re not meant to connect with higher beings because we’re not worthy or that they’re somehow unattainable to us. However, Kara made me feel confident, not only in my ability to reach out to my guides, but also by gifting me with the realization that there is no right or wrong way to meditate, to connect.
— Ellen B.

Creating my first oracle deck in 2017 was another catalyst in my journey. The process allowed me to combine my love of words, aesthetic design, and physicalizing the unseen. Originally called, The Grandmothers Oracle, this deck featured vibrant photographs and has since sold out.

The Grandmothers deck is an amazing tool for self-reflection and guidance when I am feeling the need for assistance in any situation. I also use them as a resource for closing my sessions with clients/patients to help them recognize that when they ask for assistance when feeling challenged – help is only an intention away. . . . It is great to see them light up about what card they pulled and how it relates to their current state of being.
— Gail M.

My second deck in 2018 was Heart 2 Heart, offering affirmations for navigating relationships of all kinds from your heart space. It’s a wonderful deck for clarifying a reading and emphasizes personal accountability, boundaries, honesty, and intentionality. It’s also sold out, but I often use it for private readings. Please reach out if it calls to you!

Each card is a beautiful photo of Nature showing us her heart and each has a lovely reminder of how to love and be loved. I do love oracle decks. Especially ones with beautiful imagery. But I’ve never come across one quite like this and I really love how it celebrates nature’s heart. I found using this deck to be a glorious expression of self care.
— Staci

With everything I learned birthing Prairie Majesty Oracle on a much larger scale and the new relationships formed, I AM SO EXCITED about the upgrade to my first deck. Song of the Grandmothers, illustrated by Mari in the Sky, is now in stock! View the Kickstarter here.

One of the hardest things for me after the juicy creation itself is detaching from any expectation about how my offerings will be received. The best antidote I’ve found is to prioritize authentic expression. Tuning into my most expansive self and waiting for a green light to share is a critical part of the process! I’ve learned a lot about myself over these last few years as I coax all my inner bits out of the shadows with reassurance and acceptance. Even after the dream-come-true of Prairie Majesty Oracle releasing with a major publisher, each line to the next dot in my personal constellation of purpose requires a new choice.

The Bald Eagle card in Prairie Majesty Oracle asks us if we’re ready to be seen. It isn’t always easy for me to say YES, but the echoing affirmation inside me grows stronger each time I leap. I’m so grateful you’re here and hope you find something of value for your own seeking. Please reach out anytime.

With love to you,
Kara Simons

(Like Simon says!)

P.S. If you enjoy my writing, please join me at Spiderweb, my new newsletter forum at Substack. For bite size musings and occasional videos, you can also find me on Instagram and Facebook.