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Gather, wind your own
unbreakable spirit spool
with threads of life spun.
In the dreamtime, string your loom,
weaving pictures of love’s face.

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Hello! I’m Kara. So glad you’re here.

I’m a word hunter, forever seeking language to illuminate what links us with each other, nature, and the unseen. I create oracle decks, share my stories, and support your empowerment. Scroll for an audio intro to my approach with animal energies and free guided meditation to try.


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I’m fulfilling a dream this year and publishing my book! Fueled by a lifelong search for where and how I belong, my book is a self-help memoir that weaves together intimate stories of friendships with otherworldly beings—from animal guides to star beings— and illustrates the tremendous support available when we open our hearts and minds. I use personal experience to illustrate our universal belonging to the cosmic spiderweb. I also include integration exercises throughout so that you can explore this for yourself.

Birthing this book is my most challenging and thrilling creative endeavor yet. I look forward to sharing more with you along the way.

Follow along: Instagram | Facebook


Song of the Grandmothers funded on Kickstarter in just three hours during the summer of 2022!

  • Fortifying messages from 66 botanical, animal, and elemental Grandmothers, plus 6 blank cards to customize with whoever feels like a Grandmother to you.

  • Vibrant illustrations by Mari in the Sky.

  • Extensive full-color guidebook with detailed insights!

  • Contact me for wholesale options.


I created Prairie Majesty Oracle in 2020 with illustrator Amy Putney Koenig. After our successful Kickstarter run, Hay House released PMO in 2022!

  • PMO is a rallying cry for anyone navigating self-sovereignty and embracing their unique role at this pivotal time on Earth.

  • Using the prairie as a mirror, our 52-card deck features empowering messages from flora, fauna, and elemental energies.

  • Each card offers an open-ended question for reflection, while the extensive guidebook explores deeper meanings.

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You are powerful.
You are wise.
You are beloved.
You always belong.

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